Canada , ehhhhhh

Sep 25/2020 past Meziadin Lake to Little Cedar River

Another rainy night and still raining at 10 AM. Time to get going. Will it be another bear day? We take it easy as we are looking for the Nass Forest Service Rd. what leads to Kitsault and Terrace. We miss it but out of my eyes I see a sign what shoes something Nass dadada. So we turn around and enter it. Yeah, back on gravel and mud. And there is another big sign. No service in the communities because of Covid19. Shit Kitsault has been on our list. The first 10 Km are fine. At KM 10 there is a bridge and a big pull out to the right and left. Breakfast at around noon. 48 KM to go on this kind of Rd. We keep on going and after another 5 Km we look at each other like ?!?!? You also can call this, so called road, a mud drive or the 1000 potholes and all this is kind of narrow. As it is wet it is also slippery. And going off is no option as it is very soft on the sides. Our goal is Dragon Lake for the night. What is that black dot on the left in the distance? First not moving, ah what ever. Then it is moving. I look through my big lens. Another black bear. We drive up close as he is behind a turn. The bear goes down the hill, that is when we see a closed gate, in front of the driveway to Dragon Lake and a warning sign what shows “ bear in area” aha. The bear goes along the lake, across the campground and comes out at the road again. We watched him for a while and then we kept on going, as spending the night here was not an option. Our speed is between standing , rolling slow and going 25 KM/H. Suddenly, we could not believe it, we did see pavement in the distance – we made it. 50 KM took us about 3.5hrs. A real shortcut, haha. Next is driving through the lava fields and along Lava Lake. Sylke steps out to take a picture of a small waterfall only to notice about 20 meters behind her another black bear. Passed Lava Lake we found a nice pull out at Little Cedar River. What a day!


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